The purpose of the Bujumbura Christian University is to equip people for Christian Ministry for the benefit of the Church and for all Burundians. At present, the University awards a Bachelor of Arts Degree in “Theology”, “Translation & Interpretation” and “Work Management”.
The university is a Christian community where learning is:
- Confessional
As part of the Anglican Church of the Province of Burundi, at the heart of all we do is our belief in the Triune God of love. We believe in Jesus: incarnate, crucified, risen, ascended and glorified. We believe he died for our sins and for the sins of the whole world. We believe in the vital reality of the Holy Spirit, working in the lives of Christians and in the Bible as the inspired and authoritative word of God.
2. Academically rigorous
We seek to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, and mind by embracing the rigours of academic theology and seeing its practical application as an integral part of faithful discipleship. Our mission is to build up the next generation of well equipped Christian leaders for the glory of God.
3. Practical
We engage in active Christian mission in the words we speak and in the lifes we lead, within the Church and the world. Our aim is to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, to encourage their growth into maturity and to give them the skills to help others to mature in the Faith.
Through a greater knowledge of the Bible we seek to be transformed more and more into the likeness of Christ; spiritually, intellectually and emotionally, by being open to the activity of the Holy Spirit.
4. Relational
We are called by God to be a warm and vibrant Christian community that serves, studies, worships, prays and learns together.