+257 22 21 11 67 info@bcu.edu.bi

L’UCB commence une nouvelle année académique avec enthousiasme

La rentrée de l’année académique 2024- 2025 à l’Université Chrétienne de Bujumbura a officiellement commencé, apportant de nouvelles opportunités, de nouveaux défis et de l’enthousiasme aux étudiants, aux professeurs et au personnel. Cette année marque le début d’un nouveau chapitre alors que l’université continue d’innover pour aider les étudiants à être bien équipés pour toute bonne oeuvre Dans son…

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Learning theology with Revd Dr Keith Scott

Since the last year, Revd Dr Keith Scott is coming to lecture on theology subjects. Keith is from CMS Ireland and he has lived and worked in Zambia for a number of years. With a long experience teaching theology in African context and traditions, Dr Keith found no difficulty in complying with Burundian context when teaching. Students in theology…

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Inscrivez-vous maintenant !

Les programmes disponibles pour l’année académique 2023-2024 sont :  Le dossier d’inscription comprend : Les inscriptions se font de lundi à vendredi de 8h00 à 16h30 au secrétariat académique

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Students ordained deacons in Rutana anglican diocese

Four students were ordained deacons in Rutana Agnlican diocese, on Sunday, December 11th, 2022. The university is achieving its goal as it impacts the community by providing the Church and the country with well-trained servants capable of promoting the integral development of the community. These servants are equipped to tackle the social and spiritual challenges of the modern world….

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The impact of BCU in the Anglican diocese of Makamba

Providing the Church and the country with well-trained human resources capable of leading and teaching at local, regional and international levels is part of our mission.Working according to that mission, the university is impacting the church and the whole community by training well-equipped leaders and influencers. On Saturday 27th August 2022, six pastors were ordained in the Anglican diocese…

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