+257 22 21 11 67 info@bcu.edu.bi



Les inscriptions pour l’année académique 2024-2025 ont commencé. Elles se font de lundi à vendredi de 8h00 à 16h30 au secrétariat académique. Les programmes disponibles pour le cycle de Baccalauréat sont: 1. LA FACULTÉ DE THÉOLOGIE 2.LA FACULTÉ DES LETTRES, D’ADMINISTRATION ET DE COMMUNICATION ayant les départements suivants: a) Le département de Traduction et Interprétariat b) Le département de…

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Learning theology with Revd Dr Keith Scott

Since the last year, Revd Dr Keith Scott is coming to lecture on theology subjects. Keith is from CMS Ireland and he has lived and worked in Zambia for a number of years. With a long experience teaching theology in African context and traditions, Dr Keith found no difficulty in complying with Burundian context when teaching. Students in theology…

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Inscrivez-vous maintenant !

Les programmes disponibles pour l’année académique 2023-2024 sont :  Le dossier d’inscription comprend : Les inscriptions se font de lundi à vendredi de 8h00 à 16h30 au secrétariat académique

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Students ordained deacons in Rutana anglican diocese

Four students were ordained deacons in Rutana Agnlican diocese, on Sunday, December 11th, 2022. The university is achieving its goal as it impacts the community by providing the Church and the country with well-trained servants capable of promoting the integral development of the community. These servants are equipped to tackle the social and spiritual challenges of the modern world….

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The impact of BCU in the Anglican diocese of Makamba

Providing the Church and the country with well-trained human resources capable of leading and teaching at local, regional and international levels is part of our mission.Working according to that mission, the university is impacting the church and the whole community by training well-equipped leaders and influencers. On Saturday 27th August 2022, six pastors were ordained in the Anglican diocese…

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BCU joins Research4Life

Bujumbura Christian University now offers online access to all programs of Research4Life (HINARI, AGORA, ARDI, OARE, GOALI) to staff und students. This allows reading and downloading of hundreds of high quality scientific journals and articles

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New Academic Year 2021

It’s with considerable enthusiasm that the new academic year started on Monday 22nd February 2021 at BCU. In addition to the faculty of Theology which has been working since 2015, the university has now opened another new faculty – the Faculty of Arts, Administration and Communication. It is a great joy to have this long-awaited faculty opened.  We are…

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email @ BCU for staff and students

Bujumbura Christian University introduces a new professional email service for its staff and students with both receiving dedicated electronic mailboxes. This will facilitate further our communication with partners and guest lecturers worldwide. Please look out for messages coming from @bcu.edu.bi

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BCU publishes its first Android app

Bujumbura Christian University published its first Android application on the Google playstore. It contains the updated and augmented Standard Kirundi-English / English-Kirundi dictionary by Betty E. Cox, her 200 lesson Kirundi Study Course, all vocabulary additionally in French language, reading lessons, voice files and internet radio for improving listening skills as well as comprehensive conjugation tables of 25 Kirundi…

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Graduation Ceremony in Theology

Thirteen students in Theology graduated on February 12, 2019. These are the very first laureates of the Bujumbura Christian University (BCU). The day was wonderfully significant. Over 200 honorable guests had responded to the invitation.  In addition to the Anglican church officials and members,  national and international partners and friends of the university attended the ceremony. The relatives of the…

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